My beautiful baby,

You - my son - are 1!   I can hardly fathom where this year has gone... people always tell me "don't blink or you'll miss it" - I have tried everything in my power to pry my eyes open, not miss a second, to relish in the moment of every milestone and memory.  The truth is - it has flown by - way to fast.  I'll admit, as our second baby the excitement of firsts was crowned to your sister - but as our last, I have found a new way to appreciate every second of your life.  On a daily basis, I make a conscience effort to hold you, rock you to sleep, watch your lashes grow, see your hair change, take mental snapshots of your chubby hands and lil feet.  To watch you watch me and try to figure out what's rumbling in that lil brain of yours.  I hold on.

The year wasn't all rainbows and butterflies.  Teeth happened - and we can chalk those up to be the storm before the rainbow appears.  You had some falls, bumps, and fights with your sister.  But you also had many amazing firsts - like your first smile followed by your first giggle, first camping trip, first boat ride, first time swimming, the first time you pulled yourself up (giggling as you tried with all your might), scooting around on your butt, your first teeth, your first noises, sounds and words.  The first time I got to hold you, the first time you met your big sister.  We all looked at you in awe and everything was perfect.  We held on.

As you go through the next years of toddlerhood, school, your teenage years and then on to the rest of your life as an adult, I pray you will always look to your dad and see what I see.  Use him as guidance, your example, rock, mentor and best friend.  Look at him and strive to be the man, father and husband that he is.  I won't post a perfect instagram feed and tell you life is exactly that - it's not.  But when you take all those best moments and let that guide your happiness, you'll find yourself.... just hold on.

Always know, that I am your mommy, your biggest fan and loudest cheerleader.  There won't be day that I won't worry, cry happy tears, smile and be in awe of my perfect baby boy!! *Happy 1st Birthday*

Love you times infinity Korbin!
Your Mommy


  1. Oh this was perfect! This mama had some tears as well :*)
    Happy Birthday big boy!!


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