I was officially diagnosed this week by Dr. Me.... with Baby Brain Syndrome!  A disease that effects 100% of mammas-to-be at one point or another (these are my own stats - just to make me feel better).

Some common symptoms are:
- forgetfulness
- lack of brain storage
- flustered and un-organized
- tiredness

So... how did I come across the conclusion to self diagnose officially?  

WARNING: If you are a male, queasy female, hair phobic, etc - you might want to stop reading now - I'm warning you.... you might never find a women, pregnant women, or me sexy ever again!

I jumped in the shower for my every-other-day cleanse.  Now typically I shave if not every shower, every other one (specifically the arm pits).  I went to shave my right arm pit... typical lil prickly's.  Then moved on to the left arm pit.....DUH DUH DUHHHHNNN!!!!  WTF - it was a full on jungle!!  How long have I been forgetting to shave ONE of my arm pits... how does that happen (*gasp*) - BABY BRAIN!!

Since this occurrence I've had to remind my hubs (and friends) on several occasions about my rare brain disease.  Forgetting to make dinner - sorry, Baby Brain.  Shopping to much, budget - whattttt, Baby Brain.  Realizing I haven't showered in 3 days after hubs reminds me, sheesh, silly Baby Brain.   Dumb-face look after not getting a joke *slap forehead*, Baby Brain!

So to all those who see me from this point on.... I apologize.... for laughing at your joke that wasn't meant to be a joke, forgetting your name and then calling you 6 other names before getting it right, mistaking your dog for a cat, or driving off before you full on got out of my vehicle.  LOL - ok - maybe I won't be a Stage 5 Baby Brainer.... But - I do appologize for the forgetfulness.  In the end - I have a beautiful excuse - which makes everything worth it (15 more weeks to Baby Wiebe arrives)!

Love you all!


  1. Too funny! I am becoming very forgetful now too. I just hope I can hide it from my boss over these next few months!! :D

    1. I hear ya.... post it notes and to-do lists have become my best friend!

  2. Oh Audrey - I love you!!! Baby brain DOES affect every woman, some just may not be brave enough to admit it though! HA!


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