Well the hot topic on our mind these days is.... BOY or GIRL?!   We decided we are not going to find out the sex of our lil BB - this is one true surprise in life and we know it's going to be an amazing one (either way).  So in the meantime - we've went through ALL the old wives tales to see which one might be true.... what do you think?

1. Carrying High/Low - Well my bump popped at about 14 weeks... before that I'm sure my 'bump' consisted of bloating or having a second helping of food!  Since my 14 week mark I've been carrying high - Carrying high means GIRL.
2. Beauty - Legends say if your having a girl she'll steel your beauty (if you have acne, skin blemishes, dry/thin hair - your beauties in the process of being stolen).  Well my hair's became thick and shiny and for once in my life - flawless skin.... This means BOY.
3. The Swing of the Ring - Now for this one I've heard different things... we took our wedding ring on a piece of string and held it over my stomach.  If it swings in a circle its a boy, back and forth like a pendulum its a girl.  Well... we did it twice and got both results - I think the hubs was cheating.  INCONCLUSIVE
4. BB Heart Beats - The beat of the heart per minute is said to be an indicator of gender.  Faster heart rate is girl (150 - 170) and slower is boy (130 -150).  Our first Doppler baby was at 164/bmp and the second and third time 154/bmp.  GIRL.
5. Cravings - It's said that if you crave sweet your having a girl, salty or sour a boy.  Well seeing as I crave chocolate and coke slurpee's everyday (no joke - I could live off of Aero Bars and Coke Slurpees  if I had too) this must mean ... GIRL.
6. Chinese or Mayan Birth Charts - Chinese birth charts use your age at conception and the month you conceived to determine the sex of the baby.  After taking the online test - GIRL!  Mayans use a similar method - they look at your age at conception (31) and the year your baby was conceived (2012).  If both are even or odd, it's a girl - if one is odd, its a Boy.  Oh baby - BOY!  
7. Packin' on the Pounds - This old wives tale actually has to do with the hubs.  If he has packed on a little sympathy weight all signs point to girl.  Well... we're just past the half way mark (21 weeks) and hubs has doubled me in weight gain (in his defence I haven't gained that much weight yet).  GIRL.
8. Morning Sickness - Well the tale says if you've suffered from the dreaded morning sickness you'll be welcoming a girl.  If you've sailed through your pregnancy - think blue.  Luckily for me I haven't had any bout's of morning sickness or praying to the porcelain gods... BOY.
9. Dreaming - There's 2 versions to this one.... some say what you dream is what you'll have, others say opposite of what you dream.  Well I've had several dreams about a baby girl, and a couple about a baby boy.  Even hubs was in on this one - I was woken the other night from his sleep talking/screaming/laughing "It's a girl! It's a girl!".  Because of the 2 versions we'll note this one as INCONCLUSIVE
10. Placenta Placement - apparently this is more of a science then an old wives tale with over 5200 women being asked and over 97% of predictions were right.  If the placenta is on the right side - boy, left side girl... at my first ultrasound mine was on the left side, therefore GIRL.
11. Iridology - has anyone had this done?  I'm a huge fan.  This is when a naturopath 'reads' your eyes by colour, pattern, vessels, and other characteristics of the iris or eye.  For this the Iridologist looked for a vessel in a certain spot.  The person that conducted mine has done 52 and been correct 50 of those times.  The conclusion - BOY.

So in summary we have: Inconclusive = 2, Boy = 4, Girl = 6
Man, you'd think with all this we'd of just opted to find out!  LOL - but we've had fun guessing and going back to forth.  And no matter what, the end result will be the most precious surprise!!  
Can't wait to meet you lil BB Wiebe! xx


  1. I say boy!! PS - you're like, the cutest pregnant lady I've ever seen!!


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